Pets such as dogs and cats have the same basic feelings and emotions that people do. Research is now discovering that reptiles likely share most of these emotions with us, too.
Think about it, our basic brain biological structure and function is also present in animals. We know how this function creates emotions in humans. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that animals, which resemble our biology, also have the same emotions. The similarities are such that emotion research on humans is performed on animals!
When we protect our children or have feelings such as fight-or-flight, animals react similarly. So what’s the difference? The difference is that animals can’t feel two things at once. Whereas people can have “love-hate” relationships with others, animals can’t. The reason your pets are so loyal is because they love you all of the time. Their emotions are much more simple and separate.
Since an animal’s brain doesn’t make as many connections as a human’s, their emotions seem to stay more separate and more pure. This is all according to science.
What I find most fascinating as an animal owner/observer is that there are instances when I look in my pet’s eyes or have an experience with my pet that contradicts the science. Science explains a lot, but not everything. And therein lies the joy of having pets. Maybe our pet is different and can know more and feel more than we should expect. My pets always find ways to surprise me, and at times I just know they are feeling more than I think they should!