Where Do Lost Cats Go?
We often wonder where our lost cat goes. Cats, due to their size, curiosity, and flexibility, can end up in many places, some of which are unexpected.
Trapped cats can be found in sheds, basements, inside RV’s or used and unused cars, and neighbor’s homes. They also find their way into chimney’s, walls, underground pipes, under homes, and up poles and trees. Keep an eye open for wires and branches that point inwards towards good hiding places.
Believe it or not, many cats escape from facilities such as the vet’s office, pet sitters, boarding facilities, airports, and car accidents.
Injured, ill, or deceased
A cat that’s in unfamiliar territory is subject to many risks. These include being hit by cars, natural causes like illnesses, and wildlife. Wildlife predators that can put a cat at risk are coyotes, hawks and owls, bobcats, raccoons, large snakes, and cougars. It’s unlikely that all of these predators are in your area and sometimes none of them will be. Other physical risks to cats include rat poison and antifreeze. Also, when a cat is injured or sick, it will often become silent as a protective measure.
Yes – people steal pets and especially cats. Many purebred and exotic species are targets mainly because they can be resold at a profit. Stealing a pet for revenge against someone is another common motive.
Fireworks, storms, and gunshots
During incidents of loud sounds dogs will run but cats will hide.
Unintentional transport
Cats can find their way into open moving vans, inside transported furniture, service vehicles of plumbers and roofers, and any other open vehicle.
Intentional transport
People will remove cats for many reasons. Cat-hating neighbors that have birds as pets could be the culprits. Apartment and condo managers have been known to do this also.